Monday, September 27, 2010

The wonderful man in my life......

As my husband was reading the blog and all the posts about the kids, he said "you never write about me".  So, sweetie this post is dedicated to you.  Don and I are complete opposites in alot of things, but I think we compliment each other quiet nicely.  Our life has not always been perfect, but I have to say I am very happy about the path we are now on.  We can honestly say it's our journey together that makes life so special.  We have 4 amazing children and wonderful friends that adds excitement along the way.  My husband provides wonderful Christian leadership and direction for our family.  Lately, he and I have both longed to become stronger in our Christian walk.  We have ventured out of our comfort zone and started attending a different Sunday School Class where the lesson and discussions that follow have been exactly what we needed.  Don, I love your renewed excitement for Church and I love the fact that you want to be a Godly example for our family. Don is strong, secure, smart and organized.  He is funny when you least expect it and also an extreme neat freak (sorry honey, I couldn't possibly leave that part out).  Our Sunday School lesson yesterday was about leading a life of integrity....I can honestly say Don does his best to live that life.  I am proud to call him my husband and I am happy God placed us in each others paths and made it possible for us to get to know one another over 19 years ago.  I'm glad he chose this Kappa Delta.:)

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