Sunday, September 19, 2010

Youngest Boy...

You would think with Parker being the youngest boy and having two older brothers to follow in their footsteps, that he would be predictable and that he would want to try and do everything they do.  That is so not the case.  I am often fascinated by the individual he truly is.  He often steps out and tries new things that his brothers never even thought of trying when they were his age.  He loves to sing when he thinks nobody is listening, he can out spell anybody his age (and Kanon) and he is smart and funny.  He told me his goal for this year is to get the class clown award.  Last year, he was awarded most behaved/most mannered and that makes mama proud.  He is passionate and an "old" soul.  He has a heart of gold and you will notice from every picture of our family taken, he is by far the most photogenic.  My prayers for you Parker are very simple.....keep loving Jesus and talking with him daily.  I pray you continue to lead your sunday school class in prayer and be a Christian example for others. I know you love basketball and it makes daddy very proud to watch you enjoy it so much. I hope you continue to reach for the stars and not be afraid to try new things. Mommy and Daddy love you!

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