Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Oldest Child.........

These next few posts will be dedicated to each of my children.  I will start with Tyler, the oldest.  He is smart, funny, quirky and handsome.  He has grown up so much the last couple of years and it makes me long for those days when his biggest concern was which Thomas Train he needed for his collection.  He was at the age of 2 reciting verbatim every Thomas The Tank Engine Movie made. He enjoyed spending time at home and was most content when he was home.  We have now traded our trains for girlfriends and wanting to go anywhere to keep from being bored at home.  Don't get me wrong, I know its time to grow up and its the natural progression, I just sometimes miss the time that we had.  There never seems to be those "moments" anymore and bless his heart he is the first child so everything we go through with him is for the first time.  Don and I are making all our parenting mistakes on him.  I hope he survives Mom's worrying.  Lord, help me to not make any huge mistakes that can't be fixed. I pray that he grows up to be healthy, strong and content. And....Successful would be the icing on the cake. I pray that he surrounds himself with Christian friends and that he never loses his way. And lets be truly honest....Mom here will never feel that any girl is the best one for him.

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