Friday, September 17, 2010


Kanon is special to our family in many ways, but most of all we love his uniqueness.  He is funny and cute and has that special something that once you meet him you automatically fall in love with him. He has a way with misusing words so much that we gave it a name "Kanonisms" because it is so incredibly cute and funny at the same time.  He says things that come out of nowhere that make you stop still in your tracks and just bust out laughing. He lives life full speed ahead and I love that about him.  He has a sweet nature about him, but doesn't dare want anyone to see it.  Kanon, you are growing up so fast and just within the last month or so have really grown much taller. He has always been small for his age. I pray that all your dreams come true even though you say me and dad are the "killers of dreams".  I just want you to add a touch of realism in those dreams.  I also pray that you will continue to trust in the Lord with all your heart and continue to choose Christian friends who serve as good examples for you.

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