Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Our Baby Girl.....

Grayson Claire is the one and only baby girl at our house.  She is precious, sensitive, pretty and strong-willed and yes you can be sensitive and strong-willed at the same time.  I guess I would have to say she is my little partner in crime because us girls have to stick together in a house stocked full of boys.  She is a little girl with many different names, but answers to all of them....Grace, Grayson, Gracie, Gracie Claire or Gray, and sometimes I even slip up and call her by one of the boys names.  Those are the kind of things you find yourself doing when you have a house full of children.  Grayson is very artistic and has her entire life mapped out to include being a famous clothing designer.  She loves horses and she loves her teddy bear (Mr. Teddy is a member of the family).  She would rather play dress up with her teddy than her dolls anyday.  She is happy when she is around a group of girls to play with or she is happy to play by herself. It doesn't matter to her most of the time.  I often see things in her that I wish were me.  She is strong and secure in who she is as a person. She does things because she enjoys them.  I can't imagine her ever giving in to peer pressure as she grows into a beautiful teenager.  I pray that she will continue to be strong in her faith and continue to keep us all on the right track.  God has a very special plan for her life and we are so thankful he chose us to be her family.

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