Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Tyler's 16th Birthday baby has turned 16!  I'm not sure where to start, there's so much I want to say about the wonderful young man you have become.  You are smart, friendly and have a big heart.  Once you put your mind to something, it turns out great.  Your actual birthday consisted of mom waking you up to krispy kreme donuts with one candle.  That is our little tradition around here, breakfast with a lit candle and your family starting your day off by wishing you happy birthday. After school, your papaw came and practiced some parallel parking with you and then we had dinner with a cookie cake (your request).

 The best part about this was Tyler thought this was all there was, but really the entire week was full of surprises left for him. A car was next on the list. We got the car on Wednesday while Tyler was at school.  As we were coming home and rounding the curve just before our house, I asked Tyler "so...are you planning to take your drivers test in your papaws car? He said I guess and I proudly announced why don't you just take it in your car? He said, what???? About that time his face lit up as he saw the car in the driveway.  I LOVED It!!!! His excitement was worth all the crazy running around for days trying to find a car.

The next day Tyler went to take his drivers test and he probably rather I not post the outcome of the first test, but I gotta...It's part of the whole experience.  He was so nervous he failed the first test...not because he was a bad driver, but because he was speeding during the test.  We can laugh now about it after he has now taken the test again and made a nearly perfect score. I kept reminding him for the second test, the brake is the one thing you need to use. 

This birthday has been fun for us all.  The wonderful memories that have been made will stick with us forever. The surprise birthday party topped off the celebrations.  Thank you Ashley and Nancy, I couldn't have done it without you.  Making it a surprise for Tyler was actually Ashley's idea.  Her birthday is May 7th and she has always wanted a joint party and this year we decided to go for it...After all, It was a very special birthday for the both of them. A red hummer limo took Tyler, Ashley and 16 others to laser tag, varsity and the melting pot.  I think the best part was playing loud music, laughing and talking on the way to each of the places.  Nancy and I followed behind and I think the picture taking cramped their style a little bit, but they never complained. 

The first stop....Stars and Strikes

 Next the Varsity and the Melting Pot.......

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