Monday, May 2, 2011

Getting Ready....

As I was sittin' here at my computer working this morning, I felt drawn to stop and reflect for just a minute on this month and everything that's about to happen.  We have so many fun things planned for this month intermingled with all of our regular responsibilities that if I look too closely at our calendar, I may throw up.  Seriously, my stomach hurts when I think about everything that is happening this month and even the money that goes along with it all.  But guess what, I suddenly am not worried because I know God will provide and he will work out the details. I must say that..... I am missing my sweet husband alot lately though.  He is out of town for work right now, but even when he is home, I feel like we are just roommates passing in the hallway.  He is extremely busy as well with work stuff and he is coaching Kanon's Jr league team.  Which by the way Kanon is LOVING!  I am just longing right now for the simple life and the time to just sit and talk.  It feels like forever since we have had a REAL conversation.  I know these busy days will pass and then I will probably be missing the busyness then.  I just need that balance.  My heart needs that balance.  My prayers are for God to help me find that balance and to praise him in everything that I do. I read earlier on a friends blog a piece she had posted about drinking from her saucer cause her cup was overflowing.  That is exactly how I should think and feel about my life. It's so true, my life is so filled with blessings, I am drinking from my saucer cause my cups overflowing.  We have our health, happiness and our home.  It saddens me a little to not be able to say our extended family is a daily part of our lives, but that's their choice.  I wish they could see the value in FAMILY, but one thing I know for sure is our children will always know we want to be a part of their lives, whether they are 15 or 50. I love you guys forever and ever!!!!

I feel like I need to include at least one picture with my post, but the camera is resting for now cause I plan to use the heck out of it during the month of May.  Can't wait for some special memories to be created this month.  Blessings for now.....

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