Thursday, May 19, 2011

Spring Piano Recital

Grayson had her very first piano recital this month.  It was beautiful to hear my baby girl playing such sweet music.  She didn't appear to be nervous at all and I cannot say how very proud I was to be sitting on that second row listening.  I taped her recital so her daddy and brothers could watch the following day.  Daddy really wanted to be there but between double header baseball games and getting Kanon to dinner before his 8th grade formal, there was just not enough time. I represented the family and it was great.  I think Grayson's favorite part was the iced pink and purple cookies shaped like music notes at the reception (which daddy did make a quick appearance to, thank you daddy). 

After the recital when we were getting back in our car, Grayson all dressed up and in her usual way with words that cracks me up says " chariot awaits, sure is messy!"  I guess I should explain further.  We have been in the car so much the last few weeks going from one activity and event to another, my car has gotten a little out of control.  oh ok... Don....ALOT out of control. :)  There will be plenty of time to clean when school is out this week.

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