Thursday, May 26, 2011

The AWARD....

Grayson and Parker of course rocked the end of the school year and as usual racked up their share of awards.  I am so proud of them both.  My prayer is that they will continue to love school and do well as it prepares them for their future.  When we got back to Parkers classroom following the "big" awards ceremony it was time for the classroom awards.  Mrs. Johnson began presenting each child their award and every so often would give a little grin my way.  We waited...and waited...and finally Parker was the last child to be given his award and I knew it was going to be something special as I had watched his teacher move it around and save him for last. was special all right if you can call it that.  I nearly died! not because of the award but because of how stinking proud Parker was to receive it.  Ta Day......

I think the award name says it all.  Parker looked at me in all seriousness and said " Mom, I have worked hard all year for this award". You gotta love that kid!

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