Sunday, July 24, 2011

River Mermaid & River Rats

What a great way to spend the afternoon following Church today.  Grayson said it was the best day of summer! A beautiful sunny day spent riding horses for Grayson then cooling off in the Etowah.  I should probably start by apologizing first for the lengthy post but I cannot wait to share the pictures of all the fun we had today.  Tyler has promised he is definitely going with us next time.  If he had been there, it would have made the day even more perfect.  After Church today, we were blessed to get to spend the afternoon with some of our favorite people.  Thank you Warners for opening your home and of course Lora your sweet dad's home on the river to us.  We cannot wait until next weekend!!!

Oh yeah.....Don's still got it!  Look at my sweet husband flipping off the swing.  Kanon and Parker thought it was pretty cool that Dad could hang with them. know our kids think we are ancient most of the time.

I have lots more to add, but I will save it for tomorrow. Tired and ready for bed tonight.  I even have pictures of me Kayaking....yes....really.  Thank you Lord for this wonderful day with our amazing friends outside enjoying your beautiful creations.

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