Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Catching up

This week Kanon and Don are in Augusta playing in the GRPA State Tournament and I am determined to get caught up on everything around the house including this blog.  I'm a little sad that I am unable to see Kanon play this week, but I just couldn't leave mom for that long.  I have friends updating me during the games and taking lots of pictures and if the team makes it to the championship game on Saturday, then I will definitely be there for that game. 

Summer is flying by as usual and even though we have been unable to fit a beach trip into our jam packed schedule, we are still enjoying playing close to home.  Don says Labor Day Weekend may be spent at the beach.  We have completed some small projects around the house and finally started settling into a routine with my mom and all her nurses, occupational therapist and physical therapists.

Baseball is not all we have done this summer, even though it has been the majority. We have made cute little desserts, went to the movies and Don and I even went to the pool by ourselves.  No kids!!! I think that may just be a first for us cause we always have at least one with us anytime we head to the pool.  It is really all of these little things that make up our very special family time. 

Kanon went camping Sunday night with about 9 other boys at the fabulous Mayo home.  They have lots of land on the river, pool, lighted basketball, canoes, kayakes, boat, 4 wheelers, gators, etc...a teeneage boys paradise.  Let's just say when I picked Kanon up from there on Monday.....I have never seen him that dirty. I think they tried out everything.  I have probably said this before, Kanon really has some amazing Christian friends and I don''t worry at all when he is hanging out with these kids.  I wish I had pictures to post. I asked Kanon if he took any with his phone and he said they left their phones up at the house and they slept in tents by the river.  Boys don't even think about taking a picture of something, they think they will remember these times forever.  Looking back I thought the same thing and now I wish I had taken more pictures of all the fun I had growing up.

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