Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Hurry Up.....Slow Down

As I sit here about to update the blog with yet another activity or event that we have been a part of, I stop myself and just sit here.  Is that really what today's post should be about?  I feel like God is steering me in a different direction and I must say I feel totally out of control.  Don't get me wrong, I sit here most of the time utterly amazed at our many blessings, but somedays I get that feeling that there's more.  I get the feeling that I should be doing more. Don and I have been reading "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan as part of our sunday school lesson and it definitely brings into perspective our faith and christian walk and what it should be about. Yesterday as we were on our way to Monroe for yet another baseball game, Don made the comment...that we need to seriously clear out all the "junk" from our lives.  He said we should control our schedule not the other way around and I agree wholeheartedly!  We get so caught up in all the events, activities, work things, sports, etc that we forget what is truly important.  We have to make serious changes though if we want a different outcome.  It's like the saying, "Don't do the same things and expect a different result". So...I am going to be proposing a "family" meeting tonight at our house, they will love that :).  As I sit here at yet another crossroads in my worklife (partly by choice and partly because of the need to care for my mom), I plan to seriously pray about what is God's plan for my life.  My first and most important role is wife and mother and I am not willing to compromise that role for work.  The kids start school in two weeks and I feel the clock ticking faster and faster on the amount of time we will all still be under one roof as Tyler will head off to college in two short years, then Kanon will follow not too much later.  If I could turn back the clock, I would in a heart beat.  But.....I can't so it's time to take control or better yet it's time to give God all the control for how we spend our time now.

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