Friday, July 30, 2010

Ahhh! Much Better...

Today was a much better day than yesterday.  I didn't get a whole lot done, but we got to enjoy some sweet friends and enjoy one of the last days before summer vacation is over.  Parker, Grayson and I spent midday at the pool with two of their friends and their mom.  This will sadly be one of our last chances to hang together before our friends make their big move to Pennsylvania.  They will be moving in a few weeks and will be missed. But, today we focused on having fun and tried not to be sad about their moving away. After playing at the pool, Parker and Grayson attended a very cute end of summer Tye-dye party and as you can see from their smiling faces below, they had a blast. 
Parker is holding his tye dye shirt he made. As you can see it was reallllly hot outside today.

Holding her cute tye-dye shirt she just made

You can never have too many silly bands on your arm at one time.......

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