Saturday, September 26, 2015

Rainy Saturday

It was the last Saturday in September three years ago today that I got the call that changed my life. It was rainy much like it is today. Even though the date was the 29th of September and she passed in the early morning hours of the 30th it was this weekend that was the last day I would ever get to hold my moms hand or touch her face. It was her last day here on earth. This year my grief seems almost unbearable even though it's been three years. I guess it's because almost 3 months ago I had to say goodbye again to my dad. The two people on this earth who loved me unconditionally. Even as a grown woman, I still need to hear my parents voices sometimes. Just knowing they are there provides comfort that you are never alone in this world, a comfort that can only come from those two people who taught you how to walk and who heard your first words as a baby, Who held your hand when you were scared or were there to celebrate some of those firsts like learning to drive for the first time. My heart hurts today and it's not anything anyone can understand. Lord, I pray for strength today and this week and the next few months as I celebrate new firsts and traditions without them as the holidays approach. I know they are with you and that someday I will see them again. Until that day, help me to make them proud and help me to continue to move forward. 

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