Friday, September 11, 2015

I'm back....

The last few months have been a blur filled with so many emotions. Our lives have been consumed with some good memories created, some great memories and one of the worst times in my life. That's what makes life.... Ups and downs! We learn from the bad times and we rejoice through the good times. But... Most of all we must praise him in the storms. The good times and great times have been our family vacations, concerts, time at the lake, birthday celebrations, horseback riding, triathlons for Don, movie premiers and Grayson's 13th birthday trip. However the worst was the unimaginable that happened to our family  on July 6, 2015. It was one of the darkest moments for me as my sweet daddy passed away. I know he is in Heaven and  I am so unbelievably happy for him, but my human selfishness cannot help but be sad for us. I miss him more than words can describe. I can only hope my mother was there to greet him with open arms. I picture him catching her up on everything the kids and I have been doing since she went to be with Jesus nearly 3 years ago. I have really had to draw from my inner strength to get up each day and work and move forward. There's just something about being an only child and losing both your parents. I know that one day I will see them again and until then, it's my job to live my life in a way that is pleasing to our creator. I have a wonderful husband and amazing children and even though we miss mom and dad, our memories will sustain us. I have been blessed way more than I ever deserve. As I scroll through the pictures on my phone of the last few months, I can't help but smile and know in my heart they were so proud of us. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt, my parents loved me. I hope my children will always feel that amount of love from Don and me. I have so many pictures I can't possibly put them all in one post. Here is part one of probably about part 50.....

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