Monday, August 29, 2011

Grayson is "9"

Our baby girl turned the big "9" on August 10th.  Unfortunately, the day was a regular school day for her.  We did however find some time to squeeze in a few special things in all along the day to let her know how much we love her.  We started off her morning with the traditional birthday pancakes with candles to blow out and she even managed a smile at 6:00am in the morning.  After that, I was excited to go and eat lunch with her and her friends.  It's fun for them to get to eat with someone at the round tables and invite their special friends.  I have to add a sweet story here....I stopped by the bakery and picked out 4 large decorated cookies (one for each of us, I thought she could only choose two special friends to sit at the table with her) well....Grayson chose four little girls to sit at her table with her so I was panicked because I knew I was one cookie short.  I leaned over to Grayson quietly and said "we are one cookie short cause I didn't know four girls could sit with us"  She very politely replied "that's ok mom, I will just wait until after friends can have the cookies"  my heart melted.  I told her how sweet that was and I would get her one after school.  So, she handed out the cookies and after about a minute, one of the little girls broke her cookie in half and handed back to Grayson and said "Here Grayson...lets share cause I can't eat all of's too big"  I realized at that moment what sweet, sweet friends Grayson has and how blessed we are to be surrounded by wonderful families for our children to grow up with.

Ok back to birth Day activities...after school, we had dinner and Grayson opened presents from family.  We are still planning to have a birthday party for her friends, but haven't set a date just yet.  We are so thankful for our wonderful, talented, smart and beautiful little girl.  She is definitely a gift from above.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRAYSON!!! and sorry for the delayed post.

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