Friday, August 19, 2011

I'm not really even sure where to start.  I have so many pictures I want to add and so many things I want to say, but at this very moment we are all going 90 to nothing and I am sad to say...the blog has been put on the back burner.  In fact, our family is going to stay busy for awhile in a good kinda way (I hope).  In my last post I mentioned going back to work, well....I have jumped in with both feet! I have taken a leap of faith and opened Quality Office Solutions, Inc.  I wanted something to make spending money, but also be in charge of my own schedule cause I have family as well as volunteer commitments I want to uphold. The business is also so much more, I hope I am creating a family business where Tyler and Kanon have built in summer jobs and I am contributing to our family as well as our local community.  Enough about me and my plans.  The kids are back at school and doing great.  We have settled into our morning routine and evenings full of cross country practice, youth at church, dinner and homework.  My mom is able to be left alone during the day and I am getting back into my old work routine.  I must add...I am LOVING it!  I have prayed and prayed and will continue to pray that this IS what I am supposed to be doing with my life or as Don puts it "this is what I want to do when I grow up".    I think the sweetest moment by far is the other day when the oldest says to me, "Mom..I am proud of you".  My heart melted.  For my 16 year old to take notice, at the work that I am putting into the opening of our new family business, is HUGE!  As a mom, we are always proud of our children and we don't really think about them being proud of us.  Ok...Ok...I already said enough about me!

Since school has started our everyday routine of going to the pool has ended.  Next summer will be here before we know it and we will be enjoying the lazy summer days of no schedule once again (except me though..I will be working. Oops, maybe I should have given that detail a little more thought).  :)

Here is one last glimpse of summer fun.........

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