Sunday, August 7, 2011

Back to School 2011

I can't believe school has already started back, in fact it's been in session 3 whole days.  I'm just a little late posting the fabulous traditional first day of school picture (which the kids cannot stand to take).  Taking a picture on the first day of school is the one thing I have always done.  I love looking back and seeing how they have grown and changed from one year to the next.

Tyler is a junior this year, Kanon is a freshman, Parker is a fifth grader and Grayson is in fourth.  Wow!  two in high school and Tyler driving.  I can't believe I have only one school to drop off and pick up at most days now.  I guess with all this new found time on my hands, I'm back to work.

I hope you guys have a great year.  I am very excited about your teachers and I pray that God watches over you and protects you throughout each day.  With Tyler driving this year, I have had to release some Momma control and that has been so scary. I must add it has been a little funny though to hear Tyler screaming at his brother to hurry up before they were late (welcome to my world, Tyler). :)

We love you!!!!

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