Thursday, January 20, 2011

Sometimes it's all about MOM.......

Let me start with an apology for anyone else who may reading our family blog. This post doesn't have any cute pictures or funny stories about the kids, it's truly for me.  This blog is my way of capturing our lives as they happen and sometimes I have to stop and share the feelings that are also experienced within this amazing ride we call Life.

This morning has been consumed with nothing but raw emotion for me.  I have spent some quiet time with my sweet savior reflecting on the person I am and the person I want to be.  We started our new Bible study this week called "The Frazzled Woman" and boy does this fit me to a tee.  This weekly bible study is so what I need right now.  I am yearning for that deeper, more intimate relationship with God.  I need to find peace in the midst of daily life. The memory verse for this week is "Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness , and all these things will be provided for you" Matthew 6:33. My study talked about some benefits as we grow in intimacy with our Lord and as I was reading those things, I realized they are THE things I need in my life and that I want in my life.  Some of them were being calmer, laughing more, getting along better with your children and  life having more meaning.  I realize I have a GREAT life and I am already so truly blessed beyond my wildest dreams, but as I grow more in my relationship with God, I want to spend more time with him and want to be a better person for my family.

Today, my wonderful husband listened to me with out judging as I talked through some things that have been weighing heavy on my heart or maybe the better way to say this is... He let me vent without hanging up on me when he had tons of work to do.  I love him for that more than he will ever know.  Today begins a new improved journey for me to be a better person.  For new beginnings I am grateful.

Kanon decided to go on his first mission trip this summer, we paid his fees yesterday.  I am so proud of him.  He is turning into a remarkable teenager.  Thank you God for my husband and children.  I want to leave them someday with a legacy that they will carry on because I made a difference in their lives.  "Help me Lord to be that person", Amen

1 comment:

  1. Christi~ I love this! I am so happy that you are experiencing God's grace as I am too. What an amazing feeling it is. Makes you want to share it with the world!
