Monday, January 17, 2011

Daddy's Angel

Ok, this was one of those sweet moments that happens on a random day at our house.  Grayson had been playing dress up all day waiting on her daddy to get home.  She told me that when he got home they were going to the ball.  I so remember dressing up and pretending when I was a little girl.  When Don got home that afternoon, I pulled him to the side and quietly told him Grayson's plans for them.  He smiled and before I knew it he had gone to the bedroom and came out with a tie on and requested a dance from her.  She had the sweetest expression on her little face as her eyes lit up with pure joy.  Don proceeded to twirl her around the living room and she squealed with laughter.  Thank you Jesus for these special moments.  Someday Daddy will be twirling his baby daughter on the dance floor on her wedding day and remembering their "first dance".

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