Friday, January 14, 2011

"Artic Blast" for us that is 2011

Wow, what a unique week this has been for our family.  We went to bed on Sunday evening and awoke Monday Morning with a beautiful snow covering the ground.  The children have had a blast sledding and building a snowman and just being out of school.  Someone posted on Facebook that "God knew we needed to rest, so he sent snow to give us a break".  If that is true, it definitely worked.  God is soooo Good to us. This week I have managed to clean out my closet, clean and organize my desk and actually feel as if I may be catching up with my life.  Even though I must say, I think secretly I like being busy.  I also learned to skype this week and that has made for better communication with those I work for as a consultant.   I only wish the grandparents would venture out of their comfort zones and embrace technology.  The kids would love to be able to actually have a conversation and see them at the same time.  I promise to post pictures of the snow soon.

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