Friday, December 28, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

Playing catch up with the blog as lets see everything I have missed.  I'll start with Thanksgiving.  This year we hosted at our house for the family.   It went perfectly and the food and fellowship was amazing.  My sweet husband may just be the best cook ever.  After a wonderful lunch, we had what may have started the first annual cornhole game.  Don was the big winner with whichever kid joined him and If I recall right, my aunt Loretta did pretty good.  Of course the fun began later when Derek began posting on facebook how he and Kanon were the champs...all in good fun!  We smiled and laughed and we continue to miss mom.  Thanksgiving was her favorite holiday of the year...she loved Don's cooking.  But, I find comfort in knowing she had the best thanksgiving of all this year in Heaven.

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