Thursday, December 6, 2012

Amazing kids = wonderful life!

Parker enjoyed a busy two weeks with Y club Junior Assembly and then off to his first Church Youth Retreat.  He had a blast, but my favorite part was that he was ready to stay home for awhile and was maybe a tad bit homesick after the second weekend in a row away.  I love that Parker wants to be so involved in school and Church.  Everybody that meets him loves him and his sweet personality.  Parker was also selected as student of the week for his team at middle school.  All of this makes this mama proud.
Kanon is 16!!! I'm excited, happy and sad all at the same time.  I can't believe this little boy who is full of such funny sayings and full of joy is growing up so fast.  I am so proud of the young man he is becoming.  And Wow what a great kid he is, we are truly blessed to be his parents. Happy birthday Kanon!!!
The picture above is an indicator of how funny, silly and wonderful Kanon is.  This is what we get when we let him design and pick up his own cookie cake.  The cookie design may be ugly, but the saying is right on the money. :)

Grayson was selected Star Student at her school.  I always enjoy going to the sweet little breakfast they have before school to honor these students.  We are very fortunate with a great school that has teachers that love on our children.

And....last but not least Tyler.  No pictures this time, but so proud of the young man he is.  He is so smart and will be heading off to military college very soon or at least that's his plan for now.  I know he will do well in whatever path he chooses.  Now, if I can get through all the graduation invitation ordering and college preparation without crying my eyes out we will be ok.

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