Sunday, December 30, 2012

Cotillion 2012

It's finally time for Parker's Cotillion.  Both Tyler and Kanon have gone through this invitation only program and Loved it.  Ok..ok.. so I fibbed a little.  Tyler and Kanon both went through because I made them.  It is such a sweet and beneficial program and just maybe a few manners and dance steps may rub off on them in the process.  At least I get to dance with my boys and get an awesome picture.  Next year will be Grayson's turn so Don can dance with his little girl. 

This year Parker actually enjoyed himself.  He is quite the handsome boy and loved dressing up and hanging with his friends.  I think he actually had fun and didn't mind it at all.  The sweet little boys and girls are all dressed up for the annual holly ball and bless their hearts must feel like they are in a fish bowl with all us parents gawking at them.  Us parents are running around snapping pictures of their every move the entire night.  Don says Cotillion is more for me than our kids.  Anyway...It's a fun evening and part of the Breedlove kid rite of passage.

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