Tuesday, June 14, 2011


My husband says I have been missing in action on the family blog.  Sorry about that.....I have just been overwhelmed with STUFF.  You know all those things that you want to achieve while the kids are out of school. Today's list included cleaning out closets, baseball game, spending a few minutes catching up with a friend (which was a good thing, we exercised while we caught up), going to the book store to pick up our book for the new sunday school study and all of the usual things that are normally on my to do list. I have gotten a few curve balls thrown in there, like Parker having a stomach virus and Grayson having an ear infection which we saw the doctor about yesterday, but I guess that's life.  We also had some teenage issues with our oldest this week which left me uneasy and a little sad, but as my dearest friend put it so boldly last night...."In the big scheme of things your children are all home and safe tonight, this is just a bump in the road".  Thank you Laurie for those words, your pretty smart you know. I have good kids and what 16 year old is not going to make a mistake every now and then.  It's over and we move on and learn from it.  God doesn't give us more than we can handle and I know he's in control. As I say so often, we are blessed beyond measure and his plan is the right plan.  No pictures today as I have work to do......but soon I will be hopefully posting pictures of Don's new ride.  Yes! he sold his truck and Kanon is distraught.  Kanon loves his daddy and loved his daddy in his truck.  Don will just be glad to not have to fill up at the gas station two or three times a week.   

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