Friday, June 17, 2011

It looks just like him

I know Don will have a blast driving something a little more sportier than his big white truck.  I know he will definitely enjoy his gas mileage a little better on his daily commute to and from work.  Here it is......3-series BMW......
Please excuse Grayson riding her scooter in the background on the right and Don mowing the lawn to the left of the picture.  I just took a quick little picture with my phone.  Don says he guesses he will drive it a year and pass it off to Kanon, so I guess this is really Kanon's new ride.  If time goes as fast as it did with Tyler, then Kanon will be driving before Don even gets used to it. 

I promise to catch up with our blog soon, I barely have time to sit down right now between all the activities.  Parker and Grayson have a birthday party to attend in the morning, Kanon has baseball practice and I'm not sure what tomorrow night holds for me.  My friends have told me it's girls night out for my 40th birthday and be ready at 4:30. I probably should be a little nervous. :)

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