Thursday, June 30, 2011


I still have a video that I am trying deperately to get downloaded on here but our technology is just not cooperating at the moment.  I will post it as soon as I can.  Kanon is playing Jr. League All Stars and dad is coaching and they are awesome!  The team was undefeated in not one but two tournaments and claimed both titles.  The 14U team has won the GRPA District Title and The Little League District title and has advanced to the next level for both.  Don and Kanon will be in Augusta next week playing for the state title and the following week they will be in Athens.  I am so proud of them. Kanon is playing well and of course they have one of the best coaches around.  I won't be able to go all next week, but if they make it to the championship game on Saturday, I will be there.  I have to stay here and hold down the fort.

Good Luck Kanon and Dad!  I love that we have been blessed with the opportunity for you to create these special memories together.  Thank you Don for being the kind of role model our kids need.  I love how Kanon admires you and loves to be your "mini me".  I pray that God will watch over and keep the team safe these next few weeks.  Go C'Ville!!!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Summer Rain

There is nothing more fun to little kids than swimming in the rain.  The squeals and laughter were priceless as Grayson, Parker and our sweet friends children played in the rain.  It started out a day with sun and clouds mixed then quickly moved into a downpour of rain.  Not the lightening and thunder kind of storm just a gentle steady rain. 
Thank you Lord for blessing us with much needed rain.  It didn't affect our fun one little bit. We loved having Lori, Kyler, Keegan and Carly over to enjoy this with us.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Go Canes!!!

These next few posts will be out of order without a doubt. Grayson had a great week as usual at Canes Cheer Camp. The coaches and cheerleaders do a great job with putting this camp together and all the girls have a blast. Grayson especially loved being a "flyer" this year. The dance routine was incredibly cute and presentation day was fun. Don and the boys all attended to support their sister this year and we all had a great lunch afterwards. I say this like it's a big deal, but lately having us all together in one spot is a pretty big deal.

                                                          CRAZY DAY!!!

Friday, June 17, 2011

It looks just like him

I know Don will have a blast driving something a little more sportier than his big white truck.  I know he will definitely enjoy his gas mileage a little better on his daily commute to and from work.  Here it is......3-series BMW......
Please excuse Grayson riding her scooter in the background on the right and Don mowing the lawn to the left of the picture.  I just took a quick little picture with my phone.  Don says he guesses he will drive it a year and pass it off to Kanon, so I guess this is really Kanon's new ride.  If time goes as fast as it did with Tyler, then Kanon will be driving before Don even gets used to it. 

I promise to catch up with our blog soon, I barely have time to sit down right now between all the activities.  Parker and Grayson have a birthday party to attend in the morning, Kanon has baseball practice and I'm not sure what tomorrow night holds for me.  My friends have told me it's girls night out for my 40th birthday and be ready at 4:30. I probably should be a little nervous. :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


My husband says I have been missing in action on the family blog.  Sorry about that.....I have just been overwhelmed with STUFF.  You know all those things that you want to achieve while the kids are out of school. Today's list included cleaning out closets, baseball game, spending a few minutes catching up with a friend (which was a good thing, we exercised while we caught up), going to the book store to pick up our book for the new sunday school study and all of the usual things that are normally on my to do list. I have gotten a few curve balls thrown in there, like Parker having a stomach virus and Grayson having an ear infection which we saw the doctor about yesterday, but I guess that's life.  We also had some teenage issues with our oldest this week which left me uneasy and a little sad, but as my dearest friend put it so boldly last night...."In the big scheme of things your children are all home and safe tonight, this is just a bump in the road".  Thank you Laurie for those words, your pretty smart you know. I have good kids and what 16 year old is not going to make a mistake every now and then.  It's over and we move on and learn from it.  God doesn't give us more than we can handle and I know he's in control. As I say so often, we are blessed beyond measure and his plan is the right plan.  No pictures today as I have work to do......but soon I will be hopefully posting pictures of Don's new ride.  Yes! he sold his truck and Kanon is distraught.  Kanon loves his daddy and loved his daddy in his truck.  Don will just be glad to not have to fill up at the gas station two or three times a week.   

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

It's Hot, Hot, Hot!!!

 The pool is where you can find us most days, but this week we also have basketball camp......
 And Tennis Camp......
Baseball and Cross Country are also happening now for the older two boys.  This summer is filled to the brim not only with activities but lots of changes.  Some of the changes in our lives are challenging, but we know God has a plan for our little family and we are open minded and open hearted and ready to serve (whatever that may look like).  We are trusting in him for our future.  We love each other and although we may not say or act like it sometimes (nope we're not perfect), we depend on each other and couldn't go a minute without each other.

Friday, June 3, 2011

He's Double Digits

As Parker put it best..."Mom, I have now lived a whole decade".  Parker's 10th birthday started off with traditional breakfast with candles and family singing happy birthday, then off to the pool, then presents followed by dinner with two of his best friends and topped off with a movie.  He finally got the big present this year or big for somebody his age....drum roll please....theeeee CELL PHONE.  He loved it and was excited because you know as he says " all my friends have one"..  Well you do too now Parker! 

 I hope you had a great day, Parker.  Mom and Dad love you more than you will ever know. Our prayers for you are simple...that you will continue to love Jesus, make good choices and do your best.  I hope all your dreams come true.