Friday, April 8, 2011


This post is for Parker and his awesome dad  (that's what Parker thinks for enjoying this event with him)!!! Parker is in love with wrestling and his hero is John Cena.  I know this is just a phase but what better way to celebrate another wonderful childhood phase then go all out.  I think this secretly met a childhood want for Don as well. :)   Santa brought tickets to Parker for Wrestlemania at the Georgia Dome and he had been counting down the days until time to go.  The time finally arrived and Parker was so excited, he could hardly contain himself.  I think he took a shower about 3 hours before time to leave. 

A memory a little 9 year old boy will treasure forever.  I'm so glad he got to see wrestlemania in person.  My grandfather used to watch wrestling like crazy and he would dare anyone to tell him it was fake.  I can remember going to his house and he would be sitting in his chair watching it.  He would have loved meeting and sharing this with Parker.
This may seem silly to some, but its entertainment for those who enjoy it.  Something fun and I know Parker and Don had a blast!!!!

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