Sunday, April 17, 2011

Spring Time at the Breedlove House

It's finally here and has hit wide open.  Springtime at our house means lots and lots of baseball, more of my volunteer commitments, 8th grade formal, the league spring coffee and spring social, Tyler's birthday, piano recital, Don's athletic events, prom and graduation for his school and of course the most important time of all...Easter!  I love this time of year even though some days are just a blur with everything we have to do.  Palm Sunday Church service was awesome as usual this morning.  Pastor Mike reminded us to tell everyone that Jesus Christ is King of Kings, but most of all I want to shout from the rooftop that Jesus is MY King.  My commitments and my focus have been changing over the last few months. I'm definitely still a work in progress, but I choose to make God my priority and want others when they look at our family to know without a doubt how much we love the Lord at our house.  I didn't start this blog to have a zillion followers or to showcase the things our family does. I started this blog for our family to remember special moments and to capture our journey in life.  This blog has been a great outlet for me to say things that are on my heart without any judgement from anyone.  My children love to go back and read posts and make comments from time to time to me.  I Love that!  Today may be one of those random times when I am rambling all over the place, but guess's my thoughts and my blog :)

I have accomplished a couple of things these last few weeks that I really didn't know I could, they weren't great things, but little things that have made me appreciate myself and the talents God has given me.  Easter is coming soon and I usually head out shopping for our Easter attire...Not this year.  I decided to make both mine and Grayson's outfits for Easter.  The boys threatened me to NOT sew anything for them, I wonder why!!!Ha!  I'll include a sneak peek of the clothes.

Grayson's Skirt (Shirt not pictured yet)

My Shirt to wear with my white linen pants
This past week included the League's Spring Coffee.  Wonderful event and a time for everything to be beautiful.  The home where the tea was held was beautiful and the ladies were all beautifully dressed.  I was stressing as usual about my item to bring, not the making of the chicken salad sandwiches but the decoration of my silver tray.  I told Don as I was doing it that "I needed Mooney right now". Don's wonderful grandmother would have had the most beautiful tray at the coffee, I'm sure.  I was fortunate to have a very nice silver tray of hers to use for this special event.  There was no need to stress, the tray turned out lovely....I think.
I have always felt at my very best when I am working.  I feel strong and smart when I am setting up contracts or establishing an organizations budget or drafting a proposal for a competitive grant.  I don't usually feel as good when it comes to entertaining, but seems like God has taken me out of my comfort zone alot lately and I think I have faired just fine.  You might have to ask my husband though....Ha!

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