Monday, February 22, 2010

Whew....What A Weekend!!!!

I thought weekends were for relaxing...I was wrong! Crazy busy weekend for mom and dad's taxi service. Don't get me wrong though, I love the fact that my children are so blessed with wonderful friends to have fun with on the weekends. Tyler had a friend spend the night with him on Friday, Saturday was little league tryouts for Parker and then he went to spend the night with his great friend Michael on Saturday night to celebrate Michael's birthday. They (about 7 eight and nine year old boys) went to a KSU basketball game. A big thank you to Michael's dad for that trip. Tyler met his friend Ben Saturday afternoon for a run at Dellinger and then he was off to Ben's house for the night, while Grayson had her little friend Kaylie spend the night.  Don worked for a little while covering a baseball game for his school on Saturday then came home and watched a movie with me. Kanon played football outside and video games with our neighbor most of the day.  Love those times!! Sunday was Church and rounding up all my children from their friends houses and cleaning for me, while Don spent an extra special day with Grayson all by herself.  They went to see the movie Tooth Fairy which Grayson loved.  The weather was perfect so we ended the weekend by grilling out.  I am soooo ready for Spring.  Out of everything that happened throughout the weekend, my favorite moment was when Parker said to me on the way to his friend Michael's house "Mom, I will miss our family devotion time tonight!". You see, we started a few days ago having a devotion time in the evening just before bedtime.  This was something we felt strongly about making time for (we should have been doing it a long time ago), but you know how it goes...we say we're going to do it but never start.  Well, I almost cried when Parker made that comment to me about missing it.  It just reinforced to me it's the time together that matters the most sharing in the love of God. We are truly BLESSED!

As you can see from the picture below, Parker enjoyed his Saturday night with his friends. Ha..he slept most of the day on Sunday after I picked him up. I wonder why......Rebecca said they didn't go to sleep until after 3:00am. He was a tired little boy!

                 He fell asleep on the ottoman in the keeping room.

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