Thursday, February 11, 2010 is the first day I really begin to capture all of those priceless moments within my family or should I say adventures within our family.  Our life is moving so fast I feel like I can't ever really catch up. This morning is one of those unusually quiet mornings while all of the children are in school and my sweetie is at work.  The real fun begins after school when mom's taxi service is in full force.  My oldest has a cross country social tonight while by youngest boy, Parker has his last basketball game of the season.  Parker loves basketball and has great potential.  I love the passion that he displays for the sport and I love to watch each and every game.  What a great litttle group of kids he has played with this season. This blog, I hope will not only be entertaining to read, but therapeautic for me.  You see, I love to write but just do not have enough time in my day to make it happen. Starting this blog will provide me with the motivation and responsibility to keep it updated.  With a family of six and a mother, who I also care for, there is always laundry, shopping, activities and cleaning to do.  I also have a small consulting business that I run as well.  So....needless to say I stay extremely busy, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. I promise to add pictures and funny stories along the way. Blessings until next time!!!!!

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