Monday, November 4, 2013

Welcome to Fall

Even when our schedule doesn't seem busy, looking through pictures on my phone and my calendar, we definitely move from one thing to another. I guess that is what life is all about. I constantly want to do a better job of savoring those little moments of our life. Some of the best memories and conversations happen in the day to day stuff like sitting by a fire in the backyard.  I am extremely blessed to have such a talented husband that can build anything and do just about anything we could ever want. One fall morning he decided he needed a fire pit and it now looks amazing. 
Picture is before the finished product, I will need to get pictures of the whole thing completed with gravel and chairs. 

Now in these cool fall evenings, our family has enjoyed sitting by the fire roasting marshmallows. I'm so glad God has given us a warm fire by our wonderful home to share with our children. I hope that one day it's memories like these that they remember the most. 

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