Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Halloween, junior youth assembly, another cotillion class and an allergic reaction....

All in a months time, we enjoyed Halloween party and trick or treat with friends, Grayson and Parker attended a youth assembly with Y club and Grayson attended her second cotillion class. All of these fun things are definitely worth sharing and remembering, but moved down on my list of importance after experiencing a day and evening at the hospital emergency room. Grayson had a terrible reaction to cashews. I never even considered she could be allergic to this nut because she eats her weight in peanut butter, but boy was I wrong. I became better educated about nut allergies. Grayson had eaten some brownies at her grandfathers house that had cashews in them and about ten minutes later started feeling sick at her stomach followed by throwing up and breaking out in a scary rash all over her body. She was itching from head to toe and very scared. The ER staff were amazing, they took her back and started and IV with meds immediately providing her with relief. Watching her food intake more carefully has become our priority realizing she is allergic to more than just shellfish. We will be seeing an allergist very soon for them to run the full gamet of tests.

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