Monday, September 17, 2012

The next post will be fun......I promise :)))))

I have lots of fun things to post, because believe it or not we have continued to live and love in the midst of sadness.  That's a testimony to how great our God is...He allows life to go on and allows us to find good amongst things that don't seem so good at the moment.  This past week has been not so good for me health wise. I guess I should have seen it coming.  Stress and worry can be not only bad emotionally for you, but physically bad for your body.  I had another blood pressure and extreme headache episode that required Don to take me to the hospital (my least favorite place in the world). After lots and lots of good meds, I'm better once again.  But you will be happy to know sweet family....this time scared me enough to start exercising and eating better so I can be around to see my grandkids.  Cause we know that will be a loooong time away and I will be old, old, old.  I have also gained a new perspective about a lot of things that weigh heavily in my life. I have given way to much "think time" to family matters that continue to hurt me time and time again.  But I have realized maybe my expectations were unrealistic because the truth is....our extended family really doesn't care about us. I have learned they are only around when things are going good, but let us need some emotional support and they are no where to be found.  There I said it finally!!! Whether anyone reads this or not other than my husband and sweet children, I feel like I have said something out loud that should have been said a long time ago.  I can move on with my wonderful life that God has so richly blessed me with.  I finally can live honestly.  Our real family may not be blood, but are our amazing Christian friends. They are the kindest people you will ever know.  They call, text, email, bring us food, share carpool for kids, and let me know everyday how much they care about us.  They know who they are and I believe God knew exactly what he was doing when he placed them in our lives.

As I am updating the blog this evening....Don and the boys are at the Falcons Game getting to participate on the flag crew. I can't wait to share the pictures from that.  Grayson and I are having some girl time.  Also, this weekend was a blast at Morgan's wedding, pictures are coming. Last weekened, we also had some good old fashioned "fair" fun. Love this every year.  Don says its the best people watching around.  So, as "the world continues to turn"  our days will continue and we will depend on each other, but most of all we will depend on our heavenly father to watch over us and guide our decisions.  I feel like things are getting better and I know I am getting better and stronger each day.  I have a relationship with Jesus Christ and the best husband and children in the world and that is what matters to me. :)

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