Sunday, September 9, 2012

Some of the best years of their life....

Friday nights at our house bring crazy schedules with everybody wanting to head in different directions. Mom here spends the entire evening dropping off and picking up and delivering kids. But, I wouldn't trade these times for anything in the world (even though I may sometimes actually complain a little).  There is nothing better than a car full of teenagers laughing and talking..this is the time I learn the most about my children and their friends.  Friday night was no exception.  It was the big rival Cartersville/Cass Game at Cass and Kanon and his friend Pierce needed a ride to and from the game.  I took two teenagers and brought back four and of course they wanted to go to Relay for Life after the game.  It was just at the park across from the neighborhood and they could all walk home when they were ready to leave.  Tyler and his friends were also doing the same after the game the only difference is Mom doesn't have to be involved cause they just drive themselves.  I finally got landed at home for the night at about 11:00pm but of course could not go to sleep until all my little chicks are under one finally about 12:30am I finally was able to drift off to sleep.  I love that my teenage boys were told they could stay as long as they wanted (it was an all night event) and they chose to come home early only staying about an hour.  I love that my children are homebodies just like their me and their dad.  Maybe that's a sign that when they grow up, they will still remain close and miss us like crazy! :)
They were all wearing their white for the "white out against Cass".  Of course Haley jumped in the back for the picture and told Kanon to get in the back also, but he was way too cool to be silly :)

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