Friday, August 17, 2012

Friends are a blessing....

Love this picture that a friend shared ( I'm in the top left).  I cannot wait to be back in this circle of supportive women.  August 28th can't get here fast enough.  Our new womens bible study series begins at my sweet friend Lora's.  She is a women who has it all together and just being around her makes me feel good.  She radiates God's Love and she demonstrates it in her actions.  We should all surround ourself with Lora's.  She will do a wonderful job facilitating our new study. With everything going on in our lives this past month, I need to get back into a routine and I hope to find the strength to rid myself of ALL negative influences and stress.  I am proclaiming with God's help I will have a renewed way of thinking and realize I am who God created me to be and I do not have to worry. 

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