Tuesday, August 21, 2012

My Man....

My husband checks the blog each night for updates and will always jokingly say "well..its not about me again!" and we laugh.  Although I know he is not being serious for one minute, I realize this blog should be more about him.  In all seriousness, he is the rock that keeps our family grounded and keeps me going on the right path when I am losing my mind.  These past few weeks have seen some deep, deep sadness at our house and he has just kept right along keeping us moving.  Otherwise, there have been days I probably wouldn't have gotten out of bed.  He is a strong man whom I love deeply.  The children adore him and know they can always count on their dad.  That's my kinda guy! 

Friday, August 17, 2012

Friends are a blessing....

Love this picture that a friend shared ( I'm in the top left).  I cannot wait to be back in this circle of supportive women.  August 28th can't get here fast enough.  Our new womens bible study series begins at my sweet friend Lora's.  She is a women who has it all together and just being around her makes me feel good.  She radiates God's Love and she demonstrates it in her actions.  We should all surround ourself with Lora's.  She will do a wonderful job facilitating our new study. With everything going on in our lives this past month, I need to get back into a routine and I hope to find the strength to rid myself of ALL negative influences and stress.  I am proclaiming with God's help I will have a renewed way of thinking and realize I am who God created me to be and I do not have to worry. 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

School Starts and Birthdays are Celebrated...

Things have not changed much regarding my moms condition since my last post.  Today is day 20 of the hospital.  I am beyond frustrated at this point that we don't have a doctor that can help me understand what's happening to her.  They say all her labs and tests look better yet she is getting worse.  I know God is in control and I have to learn to let him handle everything.  I told my husband this morning just pray today that our family gets its "Joy" back.  We have been one sad little family for the past few weeks.  My heart feels like its been cut open and spread out on the table for everyone to rummage through.  I can cry at the drop of a hat and am spending most days doing that very thing when I am not trying to pull it together long enough to make business decisions and keep orders flowing.  Forgive me if I have dropped the ball along the way.  All I can say is I may drop it a few more times until my mom is no longer suffering and life is not going faster than I can keep up.  It's bad when your husband tells you before he leaves for work "Don't come home until you have refilled your blood pressure medicine".  I have REALLY dropped the ball where myself is concerned.  I think I have been living on Mtn Dew for the caffeine to keep me going.  My body is physically tired and my emotions are drained.  BUT....I know that things will improve that God is in control and his timing is right, not mine.  He will stabilize moms worn body here on this earth and they will move her to a nursing home where we can visit or he will heal her body in Heaven and we will cherish her memory. Either way we have to trust him and know that all we are experiencing is only temporary.

On a brighter note we have started the school year and are excited to see what great things happen this year.  We have also celebrated our baby girl turning 10! All double digits at our house.  Please continue to pray....we will get through these bumps in the road.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Summer Winding Down....

As I sit here writing this today my hearts just a little bit heavy.  I know our family blog is usually fun and upbeat detailing all of our family antics, but today we are not having too much fun.  I know this is a brief moment in time and is only a blink of an eye in this crazy thing we call life, but doesn't help with my overwhelming urge to scream.  Right now, Don is at home with a kidney stone that he cannot seem to pass. We spent night before last at the ER with him receiving pain meds and confirmation of the size of the stone.  Bless his heart...he has never been in so much pain. I wish I could take it away, but there is nothing I can do.  All while he is at home sick, my mom is in the hospital just trying to hang on.  I can't talk too much about this now, cause I am flooded with emotions and feelings I can't express.  Our life is in utter chaos right now and I am trusting God for HIS plan.  I am praying that he will help guide my decisions for my mom and for my business.  I am praying that he will heal Don and help me not feel so overwhelmed.  As we continue to love each other and take each day one day at a time, the next few weeks are going to be busy.  A great summer is winding down and school starts next week.  We will be back to the grind, but also back to our structure and routines which may actually be a blessing to some of our chaos.  I am so extremely proud of our children.  Through all of Moms craziness at times, they are helpful when I need them to be and compassionate when I need them to be especially towards their grandmother.  Ty and Kanon have been so sweet about also visiting her in the hospital when I need another set of eyes checking on her.  How many teenage boys volunteer to go to the hospital to check on a woman who barely knows they are there?  Tyler has been so helpful with the business and Kanon and Parker even learned today how to do some laundry.  Grayson is at the school today helping last years teacher get her room organized for the coming year.  How neat that her teacher requested her help.  Love our sweet kids.  I couldn't be more proud!  We are so grateful for our friends also who substitute as family.

Tyler went to Senior Fee Day yesterday...yep that's right...he's officially a senior.  What a ride it's been.  This year will be so much fun, but I bet will be extremely hard on this ole moms heart. 
Another milestone is middle school for this year.  Can't believe my little Parker is headed to middle school.  He has been playing basketball the last part of the summer and working out with his dad.  He is ready to be bigger and stronger.  But with whatever he chooses to do, his big personality will carry him through.  He is a charmer and quite the entertainer!