Monday, June 25, 2012

Vacation 2012

I am excited to post pictures of all the fun we shared this year on our family vacation.  This year we decided to do something a little different and we LOVED it!  Usually, we rent a condo on the beach for a week and just enjoy the beach.  This year, we went on a cruise and it was well worth the money.  We were spoiled beyond imagination and I think my boys may have actually gotten their belly's full for the first time ever.  Grayson and Parker had at least 15 ice creams a day and rode the waterslides hundreds of times.  We got to share our vacation this year with some awesome friends, the Swinney's.  Tyler and Jessica enjoyed the comedy club the best and Paul and Grayson explored every inch of the ship.  Our destination was the Bahamas and the beach was amazing.  Of course, we always have something happen to us that is unusual and this time was no exception.  It came a hail storm while we were in the Bahamas.  We did get to enjoy a couple of hours beach time before the rain started.  The waves were so high and brutal its probably a good thing the rain cut our beach time short, my husband may have bruised a rib from body surfing the great waves. 

We will definitely cruise again.  It was so much fun.  I love spending uninterrupted time with my sweet family.  More pictures to come......

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