Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The greatest....

I am really excited about posting pictures from the BEST vacation, but first I want to mention the BEST dad ever.  Fathers Day is a day all about him, well its supposed to be all about him. This fathers day, he got up first and fixed us all pancakes then we went to Church, then he let us choose where we wanted to have lunch, then we went to friends so his sweet baby girl could enjoy her favorite pastime...the horses and lastly he spent the day putting on bait and fixing fishing poles so his children could enjoy fishing.  He is truly one of a kind and we are so blessed to have him as the leader of our family.  He has strong Christian values and he is raising compassionate children who love Jesus.  He never lets me or the children down and he always puts us first.  He is firm, but always fair and leads by example.  He is tough on the outside, but gentle hearted.   He is the best of everything all rolled up into one great package (like a dad burrito,hehe).  And as you can see by the picture, on top of everything he's pretty HOT looking! 
We love you Don!

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