Thursday, January 26, 2012

Flying through January

Well, just as I begin most posts....We are busy, busy , busy!!! So busy that I haven't even touched our camera since Christmas.  We are busy with school and work and me getting ready for the upcoming fundraiser dance for CSL.  This year I am serving as co-chair for silent auction and I do not want to let the league down.  I hope that we will raise lots of money for the children of Bartow County.  I must say the family business is blessed beyond my wildest imaginations right now, I just pray I can keep up.  Parker is still enjoying his basketball season as Kanon is gearing up for high school baseball tryouts.  Tyler is in cruise control right now, but better be signing up for the SAT now!!  Don is getting ready to embark on another school change and I must say he is looking forward to this one.  We both just want to go where God wants us to be.  Grayson plans to start tennis in the spring and I think she will do great.  I must say I am definitely ready for tired of this rainy, cold weather. 

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