New Years Eve was a blast hanging at our new house with some friends. Parker and Grayson both loved showing off their moves on Just Dance 3. My friends Lari and Lane didn't look to shabby either. And now that all the Christmas celebrations and parties are finished for this year it's back to the routine and hustle and bustle of church, school, basketball, work and enjoying our sweet family. I feel like for once I am finally on track and have some sense of control in my life and not just moving from one activity to another mindlessly. I am truly trying to savor each moment. Parker is enjoying basketball as usual, although I must say they have definitely struggled the last few games. I think moving into town relieved alot of additional stress...more than I even realized for our family. We are not spending all of our extra time in the car which equals more time at home.
Don is out of town for work tonight and we are about to get ready to climb into bed and relax. Grayson has already made it known that she is sleeping with me tonight. Sleeping with me is her favorite thing to do when dad is out of town. I must say I don't mind a bit because I know it's just a matter of time before she will be too busy for mom.
Ok for a random picture....Can you guess where I would like to be right now?
Blessings for now.....