Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas Day 2010

Christmas morning finally came.  We always wake up to our living room filled with goodies from Santa.  Papaw always joins us a little bit later for breakfast.  This was the first year my mom was not able to watch the kids open up Santa, but we headed downstairs to see her just after breakfast.  My favorite part was when the kids looked at us and said "this is the best christmas ever!"  Funny thing is, I think they say this every year, but that's ok with me.  I love it when they are happy.

And then the best gift of all came...... It started snowing beautifully!!! This was the first snow on Christmas Day in 120 years.  What more could our family ask, happiness, each other and a beautiful snow to enjoy on this day.  Thank you God for continuing to pour your blessings upon us.

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