Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas 2010

Christmas Eve finally arrived and the kids were so excited to get presents.  We loaded up to make our annual journey to Dalton to spend some time with the Norris side of the family.  Each year we go to my Aunt Lorine's where we enjoy playing games, eating and opening gifts.  This is something I can remember doing every year on Christmas Eve since I was born.  The only thing that ever really changes is we all get a little older and the tree gets smaller (a joke for my Aunt "rene").  She used to decorate with the biggest tree complete with the train tracks around with a working train.  I have always loved it, but over the years in our hectic world she has put up a smaller tree and we kid her that the tree gets smaller every year.  This year I promised that I would decorate her house next year....Oh my! I may just have to do that. 

You never know what tricks my dad may have up his sleeve and the one this year was right up there.  After a late lunch and exchanging presents, dad summoned my children to the kitchen. If I had only known what he was up to, I probably should have ran. Dad and the kids came out spraying silly string in the air and before we knew it, the entire room had broke out into a silly string fight.  The children loved it and thankfully my aunt did not kill them for messing up her house.  She was laughing right along with them, thank heavens for her being a good sport about it.  I myself would have passed out if someone had sprayed silly string all over our house.  The kids definitely have a funny memory from this to share with their friends and I probably have video to share with Americas funniest home videos.

After our trip to Dalton, we came back home and went to the Christmas Eve service at Church. Due to the different time of the festivities in Dalton this year, we were able to go for the first time.  We saw family earlier so Grandma could get home before dark, after all she is only 93.  Attending Church on Christmas Eve made Christmas so much more special, after all Jesus is the reason for the season.  This will definitely be added to our list of traditions and will be one of the most important ones.  Don and the kids said the best part was singing Silent Night by candlelight.  I must say that was my favorite too.

Christmas Eve is so busy...family, church, baking cookies for Santa and putting out the reindeers food.  After all that we were tired and ready for bed to wait for Santa.  Grayson and Parker had been tracking Santa's Sleigh earlier from Don's IPad.  That's pretty cool, I wish that technology had been around when I was a little girl.
Our Tree

Grayson and Grandma Norris (excuse the blurry picture)

My Aunts living room at the end of the silly string fight

After Christmas Eve Service at Church

Tyler and Kanon clowning around, look at those smiles!

Putting out reindeer food

After putting out the food for the reindeer, to cold to take too many pictures outside

Grayson and Parker's cookie creation for Santa

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