Sunday, August 15, 2010

Game On!!!

Friday night was Kanon's first football game.  Even though it was only a scrimmage game, it was fun to watch and even more fun for Kanon to play in.  I had to admit I was very skeptical about this football thing, but he loves it.  It's been hard work for him the past week in the 100 degree heat, but it was all worth it Friday night. I don't think he cares (nor do I) how much playing time he gets, he is just enjoying being part of the team.  After the middle school game, we stayed to watch the purple hurricanes pre-season game against Woodland.  The kids enjoyed being with their friends. Grayson on the sidelines sitting with 3 other little girls with the cheerleaders, Kanon, Parker and Tyler hanging out with their friends. It was a great night. I would have enjoyed it much better if Don could have been with us.  In all the years of our marriage, I don't believe we have ever enjoyed a Friday night football game together.  First, because he was coaching, then because he was announcing the games on the radio and now because he is Athletic Director for another high school and responsible for making sure things run smoothly there on Friday nights.  Since I don't have him by my side, I use this time to sit with my friends and try my best to keep up with all my kids. That's a major feat in itself.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

My Baby Girl Turns 8........

Sorry.....Grayson, I am a couple days late posting about your birthday.  We had a great day celebrating with you on your special day.  Since Grayson had school on her birthday, we really couldn't do a party so we enjoyed a wonderful family dinner together of pizza and cake (Grayson's choice).  I think you really enjoyed your presents and all the sweet attention.  I'm pretty impressed with myself to for the treats that I made for Grayson to share with her class.  It wasn't the usual cupcakes or cookies, but white chocolate covered oreos made to look like suckers with purple and pink sprinkles and wrapped with pretty zebra print ribbon.  Every now and then I surprise myself and pull off something cute that I actually made verses something I purchased.

Grayson turned 8 on August 10th and is a beautiful little girl.  After getting her hair cut short, she looks so much older.  My hope for her is she continues to blossom into a beautiful young lady and that she is not afraid to live out her dreams. I pray she remains healthy, happy and secure. She says she wants to be a famous fashion designer some day and has her college all picked out.  She wants to live in New York and attend all the fashion shows.  I love her excitement for life and how she loves Jesus.  She is the one in the family that will always remind us of our family devotion time.  When we get so involved in our nightime routine and let it slip our minds, she is the one who always says " what about family devotion?"  Thank you sweet girl for reminding us where our focus should be.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

First Day of School

As I sit here writing this I am a little sad.  Today is the first day of school and it is so quiet in our house.  All of my little ones (and big ones) went back to school today.  Tyler is a sophmore today, Kanon is an 8th grader, Parker a 4th grader and Grayson (the baby) a 3rd grader.  This was the first year in about 10 years that I didn't go into the primary school to drop one off. That is definitely bittersweet.  I know they can't stay little forever, but time could slow down just a little.  During the noisy summer days, I long for school to start but then it does and I take it all back.  I want them back home with me.  They all woke up this morning and got dressed, had breakfast and were ready to go without me having to raise my voice even once. Boy....I hope that part continues.  After dropping the kids off this morning, I enjoyed having some adult conversation with my sweet friend Kim at Starbucks.  This has become our annual tradition for the first day of school.  It seemed like that was everyone else's tradition too as we saw lots of our friends there this morning.  We all enjoyed chatting about who our kids got for teachers and what a great time this is in their sweet lives.

Don also has an exciting day ahead as he has lunch today with Vince Dooley and then goes to work for his school's open house tonight.  I pray that this year brings wonderful opportunities, continued blessings and new friends to our family.