Thursday, March 18, 2010

I usually like to include a picture with each of my posts, but there isn"t one today.  Today's writing is purely for me.  Hopefully just saying a few things will relieve some of the stress that I am feeling.  As I write this, my mom is at the hospital being prepped for a biopsy.  I know I should be there with her....I'm going, I just needed a few minutes to myself first.  My day started this morning about 5:30am getting up and taking her to the hospital so she could be there on time for her procedure, then coming back home and getting children ready for school and to school on time. Grayson has a field trip today and is really upset with me that I can't be there and I am feeling sooooo guilty about it, but just can't be everywhere I need to be sometimes.  Parker has a baseball scrimmage game today, Tyler is at school but still not feeling well and Kanon has Football Conditioning today.  Oh and did I mention....I need to be working for one of my contracts with my consulting business. You see, I am the only family my mom has close by to care for her and ever since her stroke a few years ago, she needs me to drive her places, give her insulin shots to her, grocery shop for her, etc... and sometimes (like today) it becomes a little overwhelming.  I am praying that the results from her biopsy will be ok and nothing serious.  I'm feeling a little out of control with everything right now, but I know it will pass. I just need to BREATHE.  I know God has a plan and this is just all part of it so I am going to trust him and just do the best I can.  I may need to take an extra dose of my blood pressure medicine though.

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