Wednesday, December 22, 2010

It's Christmas Time at our House

Ok, so I'm still missing a few posts and I promise to go back and catch up after Christmas, but I have to share pictures from some sweet moments during this Christmas Season.  I also have to share Grayson's latest "Kanonism" as we call them.  These are unique words made up to represent something to them and were coined "Kanonisms" because he first did the same thing and still does. Kanon and Grayson both have a way with their use of cute words.  Grayson's latest was last night when she was about go look at Christmas Lights and she proudly announced to me "not to worry she wouldn't get cold because she had on her LLAMA JOHNS.  She meant her "Long Johns or thermal underwear".  I love it when she and Kanon do this and definitely have to document it so we never forget.  I can't wait to share with their children someday.

We spent Sunday in Monroe with Don's side of the family exchanging presents and eating some great food.  The children also got to spend some quality time with their cousins.  My side of the family in Dalton is not until Christmas Eve, then we will come back home and attend Christmas Eve service for the first time.  We always try to attend, but never seem to make the 10 o'clock service. This year we are seeing family earlier and hope to be able to make the 6 o'clock service.  I really want this to be something we add to our family traditions.

Another sweet moment was today when Parker and his little friend Ally exchanged presents.  He was so excited and had been asking for days when would they get to exchange.  Ally's mom was kind enough to bring her over today for them to spend a few minutes seeing each other.

On our way to Monroe

The Girl Cousins

I was trying to get some brownie points with Lauren

Where are you Don? Me and part of my boys

Parker and Ally exchanging Christmas gifts

She got him a basketball ornament (basketball is his FAVORITE)

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