Friday, December 10, 2010

Always running behind.....

This seems to be my MO lately.  I am always running behind trying to catch up.  Don was reading the paper the other day and said "Hey Christi, here is an article on procrastination...Do you want me to save it? or let me guess you want to read it later?  He thought he was being funny, but it's the absolute truth.  Now I am even behind on updating our family blog.  I'm ashamed that I have let it get so far behind, so here goes my attempt to catch up.  We have had so many wonderful, exciting, fun things happen lately I'm not sure where to really begin.  Forgive me if it all seems a little out of order. After all, the most important thing is to capture our special family moments, right? I want to remember and savor each and every moment of our children's lives, but it seems to be passing by so quickly, I can't even keep up.  My thoughts and prayers lately have been simply, "Lord, let us slow down and truly honor you and enjoy all of these moments you have given us". that seems like such a simple prayer, but it is so much more complex than that.  My kids are growing up at break neck speeds, our days on the calendar are filled and the older our children get the more and more they need us to provide good, solid direction and guidance.  The choices and decisions that our teenagers face are getting harder.  Our children are wonderul and I love each of them dearly and I so hope that I don't screw up raising them. 

Since my last post, we have had...... Music Man, football championship, football banquet, Parkers first basketball game, cross country banquet, Parker and Grayson's birthday party, Thanksgiving, Breakfast with Santa, Georgia Game, Fly-In in South Carolina, Kanon's Birthday, and our anniversary, whew!!! I'm sure I have forgotten a few things, but don't worry I will add them along the way.  Rather than make this the longest post ever, I will probably have to catch up over the next few days. So for today.....

Kanon was in his first ever musical last month.  The first night, he actually not only had to learn his lines, but filled in for another boy who was sick.  I was so proud of him.  Grayson and I went to the first performance night and then Don and I attended the second.  Don and I didn't have much time to go eat before the play so we just grabbed something at Wendy's next door.  He then joked that he took me to dinner and a musical and that should earn him some major brownie points :).

I really enjoyed seeing Kanon do something like this.  After the performance on Friday night, they all went to El Nopal to celebrate.  He has a great group of friends and I know this will be something fun for them to look back and remember someday.

Blessings for now....

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