Sunday, October 2, 2016

It's finally feeling a little like Fall....

The weather this weekend has actually felt a little like Fall could be on its way. It was a little cooler so I didn't feel so crazy putting out the pumpkins and mums around the house.
 I have also enjoyed using this weekend to get caught up and little better organized. Let's hope the mood stays with me through today so I can finish.
 Parker has been gone to a cross country race and Disney world this weekend while Grayson has had swim practice. Kanon is working and Tyler, well who knows what he's up to now that he lives in his own place. Don and I will be complete empty nesters sooner than we think. I can't believe how grown up our children are. Grayson and Parker, our babies are gearing up this week for High School Homecoming Festivities as Parker prepares to escort his best friend on Homecoming Court and Grayson attends her first high school dance with her sweet friend. Who by the way asked her to the dance with the cutest Harry Potter Reference since his name is Harry. 
 Until next time......

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Part 1 of 20 😊

I can't even pretend to keep up with this blog anymore. Our lives seem to move at some super sonic speed. I refuse to let it go though. We have celebrated birthdays, formals, Georgia games, swim meets, cross country meets, family vacations, starting high school, new cars and new jobs since I last posted. And that's just the things I can remember off the top of my head. I have loved every minute of it and could not be more proud as the children grow into young adults. My sweet family is definitely a blessing I don't deserve. Here are a few pictures captured along the way. 

To be continued of course.......

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Spring Break

We are still here... Our lives feel like they are moving so fast everything is almost a blur. Each day I tell myself I am going to do things differently, I am going to relish and celebrate everything my family is involved with. But... Then sadness hits and I feel like I have to pick up pieces and start over again. I wonder, is it the sadness from losing my parents and having no extended family that is hard to move past or is it the guilt that I feel from caring for my mother and my fathers sickness. I often ask myself.. What could I have done differently? Do they know how much I loved them? Why didn't I spend more time talking to them and sharing my feelings? These and more questions haunt me on a daily basis. My children's grandparents were gone to soon. I am sad they will never see The kids graduate from college, they will never see them get married or have children of their own someday. I grieve for those losses. After much thought and prayer, I realize I have to look to the future without letting my past drive me. My past is just that... The past! I pray that I did enough for them, I pray that I was enough. I pray I will hold onto the good memories of my parents while creating new memories with the amazing husband and children God so graciously blessed me with. It's time to create the life I have always dreamed about instead of sitting by and watching those around me. 
Spring break was wonderful and I can't wait for a summer vacation with my family. Instead of looking at some things we need to take care of as chores, it's time for me to look at them as opportunities. We have a condo and a camper to sell. I have an online course to finish and pass. I have a job that I need to do, but more importantly I have a family who needs me and they need all of me. It's time for me to stop being scared of what people think of me. The only one that I should be working to please is God. So.... As I hold myself accountable, I truly believe my parents would want me to go forward. They provided me with a foundation of love. I  am so blessed!!!! Here are some spring break pictures to remember....the wind, the sunburn and the all you can eat seafood with the postage stamp picture, playing mini golf and the souvenirs shops with false advertising that made us laugh. Just getting away from it all is always priceless. And oh yeah...Parker and the Macarena. 

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

A sweet friends 50th

Celebrating with special friends is always fun. Lane turned the big 50, even though she doesn't look a day over 30. We all had a blast and I enjoy these special friendships that truly have stood the test of time and hardships.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

2015 Christmas Season

This was the first Christmas Season without my Dad and I was prepared for it to be the absolute worst. Well... It was wonderful in so many ways. New traditions being made and the love of my family grew stronger. We enjoyed seeing the lighting of the ruins at Barnsley Gardens which is a treasure so close to our home.
This was a relaxed event we enjoyed with sweet friends and their children. We weren't sure what to expect, but I think we can all agree it was something we will definitely do again next year.

The one thing that would have made the evening perfect is if our Tyler had been with us. He was off enjoying his time with friends. 

We went to Monroe to celebrate Christmas with Don's Dad the week before Christmas. This was entertaining to say the least. Christmas lunch at The Golden Corral....need I say more. He is such sweet man though.
Our extended family has definitely gotten smaller, but our immediate family has been strengthened. 
Then....Christmas day arrived! I missed my mom and dad, but I cherish my husband and children. My sweet Kanon was thoughtful and brought tears to my eyes. The others knew about it and had already decided he got THE gift that was going to make me cry. I promise they were tears of joy. I love that my children have sweet memories of mamaw and papaw.
Our children had a blast opening their presents, but I think they are at that age now that just being home and "chillin" as they call it, is the best!
Grayson loved her Harry Potter book from Tyler. This year each of the kids bought for each other and on Chritmas Eve after Church they had a ball exchanging sibling gifts. Another new tradition started as they are getting older.
What a BLESSED Christmas Season!