Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Birthdays, swim parties and much more...

Parker turned 13 this year. He is growing up so fast. I am so proud of the young man he is becoming. His heart is huge and his faith is unshakeable. Love this sweet boy more than words can express.
He and Grayson have a great group of friends and they love to get together on occasion.
This summer flew by so fast. We have enjoyed some sweet family time on a few of those summer days. We enjoyed dinner out at the station house one evening and Grayson and Parker got their feet wet for just a bit in the fountains in Chattanooga.
I have to grab pictures of the two older boys when I can. My picture taking drives them crazy. I did however, get this amazing picture of Tyler on the train. Trains were a big part of his childhood. They were his love and obsession until about the age of 10.

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