Monday, March 18, 2013

Senior Prom 2013

Tyler's senior prom was this weekend and was alot of fun for us as well as him. Of course Moms always love dressing up their children and taking pictures even if their babies are almost 18 years old. His date was beautiful and the weather could not have been more perfect. He drove my dads car and looked so handsome as he drove away to pick up Lexi. They chose Barnsley Gardens as the location for pictures and I have to say it was a great choice. The ruins were a great backdrop for such a handsome couple. Don ended up skipping pictures at Barnsley and joined me for the Senior walk later that evening. Kanon had a baseball game on the same day and Don had just gotten back from it. Grayson and Parker were in a Belk Fashion Show on the same day as well. More details about all of that to follow. I am so blessed with such amazing children and so blessed to be a part of special occassions like Prom. Lora (Ashlyn's mom and Ben's date) and I kidded for months about how WE couldn't wait for OUR prom, hehe! Ok...I can't wait to share pictures so here goes!

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